Friday, March 9, 2012

BLOG ASSIGNMENT # 8 Scene Deconstruction

A scene from the movie Mr. Nobody.

    The scene linked above is meant to evoke the emotions felt by the characters toward each other in the audience themselves. The surreal way Jared Leto begins to float in the air breaks traditional story-telling in that it occurs for no reason in the movie itself. His floating is meant to represent his rising hopes and dreams as his lover is nearby.
     The scene is set conveniently in a park with fences, gates, trees, a planked boardwalk, and vertical architecture. All of these shapes do an excellent job of creating vertical affinity which directs Jared Leto's body as he floats up. While not much goes on throughout the course of the video, a little says a lot as the director allows the actors emotions to speak for themselves. When Jared Leto's love interest walks on screen, she is out of focus, not really there. This depth gives the audience a feel for the space between the characters. This is given strength when the scene is cut to Jared Leto waking out of the dream and circling the location where the girl was and we also see the girl waking up on a train. The girl waking up on the train is meant to close the emotional gap between the characters even as they are so far apart.

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